Saturday, 25 November 2017

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Sunday, 19 November 2017

What is Foot Printing (Hindi)

Foot-printing क्या है ?| What is Foot-printing?

Foot-printing क्या है ?(What is Foot-printing?)

हेलो दोस्तों, आज यहाँ से हमारी हैकिंग क्लासेज शुरू हो रही है । 

आज हम हैकिंग में जो पहली परिक्रिया यानि की Foot -printing करेंगे । दोस्तों इसका नाम इसके बारे में बहुत कुछ बता देता है ,Footprint मतलब पैरों के निशान।ये बहुत ही जरुरी स्टेप होता है हैकिंग में।ये वो स्टेप होता है जिसमे हमे टारगेट के बारे में जितना हो सके जानकारी जमा करनी होती है। इस स्टेप के बाद हमे अपने टारगेट के बारे में कुछ information मिल जाती है । जैसे की जो System हमारा टारगेट है उसका IP(Internet Protocol) एड्रेस क्या है । ये वो एड्रेस होता है इसके मदद से हमे पता चलता है कि हमारे टारगेट कौन है । For Example :- =
ये google का IP एड्रेस है । इसी तरह हर System का अपना एक IP एड्रेस जरूर होता है । जिससे उसे पहचाना जाता है ।

तो Footprinting कैसे होती है । इसको करने के बहुत सारे Options होते है लेकिन हम सिर्फ कुछ जरुरी ही Options को यहाँ पे पढ़ेंगे ।सबसे पहले मैं आपको फिर से बता दू कि Footprinting वो प्रोसेस है जिससे हम अपने टारगेट के बारे में जितना जान सके उतना ही फायदेमंद है ।तो आज हम अपनी इस Hacking की Class में Footprinting को कैसे करते है ये पढ़ेंगे ।
  1. By Search on Search Engine :- ये सबसे easy part है Footprinting का । इसमें हम अपने Target को किसी भी Search Engines पर सर्च करते है ताकि हमे उसके बारे में कोई काम कि डिटेल मिल जाए । Search Engine information का काफी अच्छ Source होता है जैसे कि Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. आप कोई भी Search Engine इस्तेमाल कर सकते है ।
  2. nslookup Command :- इस command का इस्तेमाल आप कैसे भी कर सकते जैसे कि आप Linux या Windows use कर सकते है । इस Command को use करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले Command Prompt Open करना है उसके बाद Type करना है "nslookup <website_name>" बिना qoutes("") के और Enter बटन दबाना है । जैसे कि निचे स्क्रीनशॉट में दिखाया गया है । For Example :-
    अगर आपको एक वेबसाइट के बारे में कुछ information चाहिए तो आप टाइप करेंगे :
    nslookup ये आपको उसका IP Address दिखा देगा ।

  3. Ping Command :- ये कमांड आपके टारगेट से Connectivity चेक करती है । मतलब ये कमांड चेक करती है कि जिस System को आप हैक करना चाहते है वो अभी चल रहा है या नहीं । चल रहा का यह मतलब ये ही कि वो Online है या Offline । अगर आपका टारगेट Offline है तो आपके लिए हैक करना लगभग नामुमकिन है । इस कमांड को इस्तेमाल करना भी काफी आसान है ।

  4. PING <target_address>
    इस कमांड से हमने ये पता लगाया कि मेरा ये ब्लॉग Online है । PING कमांड कुछ पैकेट्स सेंड करती है । अगर कोई भी टारगेट Online होता है तो वो इसका reply देता है । जैसा कि हमारे example में मेरे Blog से Reply आया ।

  5. Whois Lookup :- Whois Lookup Foot-printing में काफी Help करता है । अगर आपको किसी भी Domain ( कि details चाहिए तो whois lookup best है । यहाँ से आप domain के owner की Details, Mobile Number, E-mail, Server, Etc की जानकारी ले सकते है । जैसे की निचे की जानकारी दी गयी है । 
इसके लिए Open करके अपने टारगेट Domain का नाम लिखना है और Search पर क्लिक करना है।
इन सब Techniques का आप इस्तेमाल करके अपने Target के बारे में कुछ Information पता लगा सकते है। Foot -Printing करने के लिए आपको Kali Linux में भी बहुत सारे tools मिलेंगे।  उम्मीद है आपको मेरा ये पोस्ट पसंद आया होगा अगर आपको मेरा ये पोस्ट पसंद आया है तो Please इसे शेयर भी करिये।  
इसके बाद हमे अपने Target के बारे में और भी जानकारी की जरुरत पड़ेगी क्योकि इतनी सी जानकारी के साथ हम ज्यादा कुछ नहीं कर सकते। आगे की जानकारी के लिए हम अगला Phase यानी कि Scanning पढ़ेंगे। 

Friday, 10 November 2017

(Hindi) How To High Light Mouce Point

Namaskar Dosto Me Aj Fir Me ApbKe Liye Ek bhaterian toturial laya hun Jisme ap apne mouse pointer ko highlight kese kr sakte h.........

To Chaliye Suru Karte H......
1) Ap Ko Ek Shoftware Ki Jarurat Padegi Wo Aasani Se Google P Mil Jayege ga...
Es link pe click kr ne ke bad is Par Click Kr Na H......

Fir is pe click kr na h or is pe click karte hi downloade suru ho jaye ga......
Fir Ap Ki Downloade Path P Is Ka Install ApP Aajega ....
Fir Ap Ko Ise InstalL Kr Na H...........

Is P Double Click Kr Ke Ap Ko Ise Open Kr Na H..............

Yahan Se Ap Apni Sabhi Setting Change Or Check Kr Sakte H..........
💡 Kr Right Side Wale Ko Agar Ap Press Kr ne Ke Bad Agar Koi Short cut Key Press Karenge To Wo Desktop P Show Ho gi

Free Ethical Hacking Or Computer Tricks Ke Liye Hamare Blog Ko Follow Karen

Thursday, 9 November 2017

(Hindi) Computer Challange Trick

Namaskar Dosto Me Aj Ap Ko Kuch Ese Challange Trick Bataunga JisSe Ap Kisi Ko Challange Karte H To 99.9 % Ap Us Challange Ko Jitenge ......
To Suru Karete H....
1) Kuch Ese Folder Name Jise Ap Kisi Ko Dange To Wo Us Name Ka Folder Ni Bana Sakta (ex.Con,Nul or blank name etc)
To Ap Ko Is Name Ke Folder Ko Banane Ke Liye 2 Codes Yad Rakhane Honge (0160,255) Ap In Dono Me Se Kisi Ka Bhi Use Kar Sakte H ...
Ap Ko Simple Folder Ka Name Dalne Se Phale (Alt) Button Babake Kisi Ek Code Ko Dalna H Or Fir Ye Name.......

2)Blank Name Ka Folder Kese Banaye...
AP ko Bs ye Code Use Krna H Or Enter Button Press Krna H Bs blank Name Ka Folder Ban JAye Ga...........
3)Ek Hi Name Ke Do Folder Banane Ke Liye Bhi Ye Code Use Kr Na H.
.Free Ethical Hacking Or Computer Tricks Ke Liye Hamare Blog Ko Follow Kare

Sunday, 5 November 2017

How To Lounch TorJan Horse Attack (Part-2)

In  my previous tutorial I discussed about the basics of trojan rat like what it is and how it work, In this tutorial we'll learn that how to launch a trojan horse  attack.

their are many free trojan rats available on the internet but my personal favourite is Beast and pro rat for this tutorial I'll be using Beast 2.07

Lets start hacking:
  1. Download the beast 2.07 (click here)
  2. Run the Beast software from
  3. Click on "Build server".
  4. Now click on "Notification" button then click on "E-mail" in notification and in the E-Mail address column write your email address in that, ex-
  5. When you are done click of "AV-Fw Kill" button.
  6. Tick the "disable xp firewalls" in that.
  7. Now click on "Exe Icon" button and select one icon from that after that click on "Save Server".

Now send the server file to the person you want to hack (victim) and when he or she will install your server file on their computer-pc you will get email containing Their IP address and port number.

  1. Now enter the IP and Port no. which you got in email.
  2. Then click on "Go Beast" it will connect you to the victims PC.

Now you can do all the things written on the right hand side of the software like looking at his/her webcams or at screen to see what are they doing.

Thank you guys, if are facing any problem in the making of the beast server please comm

Introduction To Torjan Horse

Torjan or Torjan Horse is a Remote Administrative Tool (RAT). In simple words it is malicious/dangerous application which is used to get full control of others computer just by sending a file of several kbs to the victim and when the victim clicks on it he gives the full control of his/her pc computer to attacker.

Let me make it easy for you :

Once upon a time there was a boy named B and he had a  girlfriend G, one day B found G chatting to someone else so he decided to spy her computers for this evil deed he downloaded torjan software then using the torjan interface he created a small executable file name server.exe then he hided that server.exe behind the new pictures of his then he forwarded that picture to G and when G opened the picture torjan got installed on her computer because it was hidden inside the image. now once the server file was installed B got the full access of the G's computer.

Below are the small list of thing You can do with torjan :

You can see what he/she typing.

Take their picture or make a video for their webcam.

Turn of their mouse or keyboard.

Shutdown computer.

Find the files in their computer.

Listen what they are speaking.

And many more things.

Thank you, if have any problem or doubt in understanding please comment. Here is the tutorial to download and use torjan horse 

Kali Linux Highly Compressed Free Download

hello guys today I'm sharing Kali Linux best penetrating OS right now as there are many people who don't have WiFi connection and downloading Kali is very difficult on their dial up connection because size of Kali is more than 2GB so here is the highly compressed Kali just 54.4 MB it can be downloaded on dial up connections.

Requirements to Extract this File:-

1) Win RAR
2) KGP Achiever 

                        Download Link:
                                                         kail linux.rar

Phases Of Hacking

Every Ethical hacker plans his every hack and then performs the hack into certain stages and these phases are the most important part of any well planned hack because without any plan you will not know what to do next so in your journey of becoming an ethical hacker you should know these stages by heart.


Fooprinting or Reconnaissance is the first step of any well planned hack, In this stage hacker tries to collect's all possible information of the target that are available online, it includes stuffs like sub-domains,IP address, no.of host,emails,DNS,etc.

2) Scanning

Now after collecting some rich information of the target, hacker scans the target for vulnerablties, he performs many scans on the target to find out what kind of services are used by the target like searching the version of Apache server,operating system running on the box, open ports,firewalls detection and many more stuffs.

3) Attacking

On the basis of scanning results the hackers exploits vulnerabilities of the target, In simple words he/she attacks the victim on the weaknesses found while scanning for example; If there is fault in SQL database then hacker will do an SQL injection,If target is using the old operating system he will set a payload for it; If target has a less bandwidth then hacker will perform a Ddos attack and it keep on going with the vulnerabilities found.

4) Maintaining Access

 After the attack got successful and all the information's of the company are copied, hacker setup a backdoor on the target machine which will help him/her to get information about the targets activities without getting caught, backdoor are fully undetectable(FUD).

5) Covering Tracks

When is done, when he/she has enough of the information of the target and thinks that they are done with hacking the target then they covers the track from which they comes in, by deleting logs, backdoor, uninstalling rat and reverting the changes made.

These are the stage/phases of hacking, which is the key for any successful hack always remember then always in your journey to ethical hacker, For any query and questions please comment

How to Set Up A Hacking Lab

Welcome to the new lesson of Ethical Hacking course by Easy Hacks(EH), Today we are going to set up a hacking lab because every hacker needs an environment where he/she can practice their hacks and can test the systems to find vulnerability,loop holes, We are also going to do that by Installing Backtrack on Virtual Machine.

Importance Of Hacking Laboratory:

1) It will help you in learning to hacking practically because 90% of work is practical in hacking.

2)As a noob (beginners) you can't directly hack anyone because if you'll get caught, they will put you behind bars.

3) It needs lots n lots of practice in the starting to become a expert.

4) Every Hacker needs an environment where he can practice hacks and can test the different systems.

Below is the full video tutorial that how to make up a hacking lab on Virtual Machine.

If you have any questions or suggestion please 

Social Engineering

Social Engineering is art of manipulating a person to give up his user id and password by building trust with him.
Social Engineering is one of the toughest hack because it requires great skills to gain trust of a stranger and once you gain the trust than it is most toughest hack to protect against.

How to perform Social Engineering..?

You can preform social engineering in million ways. Social Engineers perform their attack slowly as they gathers bits of information to create a big picture while some social attacks can be performed quickly over a phone call or a email. Method depends on your accessibility and ability.

But the process of social engineering is pretty basic.

1) Gather Information of victim 
2) Build a trust
3) Use that trust to gain personal information of victim(id,password) 
4) Use the information(id,password) of accomplish your goal

types of social engineering attack;

1) Phishing: Phishing is a technique to fraud a person via sending e-mail or text message to get the private/curtail information. Generally, phishers sends a mail that appears to come from authentic site like bank or form credit card website requesting a "verification" or "warning" and says to urgent log-in to link provided in that email and link takes you to the cloned website made by hacker appears to be original one, as you log-in your email address and password have gone in hands of hacker.

2) Bathing: In Bathing attacker leaves a malware infected "Pen-drive" or "CD-Rom" in the place where it conformed to be found by victim, as the victim finds it and insert that pen-drive or cd in his computer he install that malware unintentionally on his computer.

3) Pretexting: Pretexting is when one party lies to another to gain access to privileged data. for example, a pretexting scam could involve an attacker who pretends to need personal or financial data in order to confirm the identity of the recipient.

4) Quid pro quo: In Quid pro quo attack attacker requests information in exchange for something you want(gifts). what he does is quite simple, he create a survey with question asking your birth place and films you like many more question and when you complete the survey you can win a gift, so in exchange of these little gift he gets all the information about you and from you.

5) Tailgating: In tailgating an unauthorized party follows an authorized party into an otherwise secure location, usually to steal valuable property or confidential information. this often involves subverting key-card(pass) access to a secure building or area quickly following an authorized user and catching the door or other access mechanisms before it closes.

6) Others: there are many more types of social engineering attacks like "diversion theft" mostly performed on transporting companies and "Phone Phishing" it is same as Phishing just performed over a phone call and many more are there let me tell you Social Engineering is a vast subject it is different from all other hacking techniques on this site.

Note: You can get certified in social engineering some sites offer one week course and after that test to make you "certified social engineer"(CSE).

Networking Topology

In my previous tutorial I wrote about Introduction to Networking In this tutorial we'll discuss about Networking Topology, The computer can be connected to one another in several ways. These ways of networking are called Topology.

The three main of Topology are given below:
1) Bus Topology
2) Star Topology
3) Ring Topology

Remember:Client is a computer connected with the sever though a cable that can access information stored on the server. It is also known as Node.

1) Bus Topology
   In this topology, the server and the rest computer (called Clients) are connected to a single cable for communication called the bus. it is less costly because it uses less cable but it has a drawback that if the bus fails the entire network fails.

2) Star Topology
  In this topology, the computer called clients are connected to a hub that is directly connected to a central computer called server. The server manages and controls all the communications between the clients. All the clients depends on the server because if the server fails, the entire network fails. if a client fails, rest of the clients are not affected.

3) Ring Topology 
   In this topology, the computers are connected to one another though the ring cables, the information travel from one computer to the next computer to reach its destination. draw back of this topology is it one computer fails entire network of computer fails, it is cheap ways.

Thank you for reading and keep reading for more tutorials like this, Comment if you have any questions.

Intro To Networking

I'm posting about Networking in beginning because it has become the main part of today's life and as a hacker you should have basic knowledge about Networking

A Network is a group of inter-connected computers that allows people to the information and equipment.

A Network system connects the computers and peripherals with help of NIC (Network  Interface Cards) cables or wires and relevant software and provides us to exchange the Documents,e-mails,video,sound and images. the equipment's such as printer and modem can also be shared with a number of computers connected with each others networking.

Types of Networking

There are the three main types of networking

1) LAN (local Area Network)
   It connects the computers with help of cables or wires within a small geographical area like a building or a complex spreading over in few kilometers.

2) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
   It is a big brother of LAN and works similar to it. It covers a group of nearby corporate offices or entire city. It may be either private or public.

3) WAN (Wide Area Network)
   It connects the computer across a large geographical area spreading over cities, states , countries  or continents. the information transmission media may phones lines or satellites. It is controlled by an authority, telephone line company or a government.

Need of networking  

I) To share data and files.
II) To share computer equipment's (eg: printer over WiFi).
III) Emails , video conferencing, connecting people over world.

For any questions and query comment below, keep reading for more tutorials likes this Thank you.

How To Become Hacker

Here is the answer for some of the most asked question "How to become a hacker?"What thing you need to become a hacker? A skull wallpaper and black t-shirts with monster printed on it? no its probably not enough. here is what you need.

Here Are 5 Points To Become Ethical Hacker-

1) The first and most important thing you need is "The Love With Hacking" if you are doing this as a time pass then you will never be a successful hacker because you are not interested in hacking, the most important thing is you need to have interest in hacking.

2) Second requirements is you need to "think different" think like a science fiction writer because they write something impossible but "remember impossible say I'm possible" so nothing is impossible, thing is that you just need to think out side of the box or we can say think link like a hacker.

3) Learn programming. don't be afraid of this big word programming it is easy once you get the basic concept of it "start form HTML" then css,java script,php and more on...! I always prefer everyone to learn the web based program first then you can learn more difficult programming such as c++ or java, and one more thing web based programming will help you a lot to understand hacking in the beginning and as you go more pro hacker C++ and java will help you writing hacking programs.

3) Plan you hacking, write up what are you going do, for an example, if i want to hack a website I'll gather information of the site vulnerability and from the weaknesses found I'll write all the possible ways or methods to hack it.

4) Learn to use Unix based operating system such as Backtrack 5 r3, Kali Linux. because they contain the large amount of hacking tools.  Kali Linux have 300+ pentesting tools and you can download more from internet.

5) Get connected to community it will always help you learn something new and try to help others this will gain you respect in society. you can find hacking community on a facedbook groups or on sites like

Note: as a beginners don't try hacking on others system without their permissions, Use the computer from home or ask a friends for a system to practice on it. Keep reading for the tutorials like this and comment if you have any questions

Types Of Hacker

Welcome to the second tutorial for the Ethical Hacking Course, In my previous tutorial I posted about "Introduction To Hacking" there we discussed what is hacking.? and about hackers and crackers so continuing my Ethical Hacking Course here we are going to discuss about types of hackers,their mind sets and the community.

In every community and fields there are different-different types of people like the good ones who believe in helping and protecting, and the bad ones who love troubling other by their activities and their work which put them into the trouble sometimes, and the neutral ones who are bit of both good and bad. Same-thing goes with the hackers they can also be categorized in several types.

How Many Types Of Hackers Are There?

According to me and most of the other hackers there are three main types of hackers, but the community is growing so is the category. We will start from the three major type first then talk about the new groups taking place in hacking community

1) White Hat Or Ethical Hackers.
These are legal or good hackers who works for a company's cyber security. they work on a deal with a company to test the security level of systems present in the company and to make the systems secured and safe from evil hackers.

2) Black Hat Hackers Or Crackers
Cyber thieves/criminals responsible for stealing document, passwords, defacing websites, making viruses and doing all those illegal work which is done online. You can easily find them in jail.

3) Grey Hat Hackers
Hackers who work for the cyber security companies but don't mind violating laws for some extra cash, they generally don't commit any big crime but always ready to do some small ones, Grey hats are also the most most active among the other.

Other Types Of Hackers

-Script Kiddies: Someone how don't want to learn things just use the easy way out, Script Kiddies are the same they just don't want to learn how the hacks are functioned and what does the tools do. Kiddies just copy others code use tools made by others and pretends to be a professional hacker.

-Hacktivist: Probably the robin hood in the community, Hacktivist mainly does hacking on the Social-Political issues, They are the controversy king.

-Green Hats:  The beginners the one who loves to learn everything, they are the one who want be become a professional hacker and far better than script kiddies because they don't complain when the tutorial works properly insted they try to find where it got wrong.

All the above types of hackers use the same process called hacking just their motives are different you decide what you wanna be , continue reading my ethical hacking course for more on learning hacking. For any questions and query please comment

Introduction Of Hacking

Welcome to the first tutorial of our Ethical Hacking Course in this tutorial we will discuss what is hacking? Types of hacking  and difference between then, we'll start with what is hacking?

What Is Hacking ?

Finding loopholes/weaknesses in the security and using the weakness for breaking the security and gaining access on the site,server or system in called Hacking and the person who do this is called Hacker.Now further hacking is divided into parts Ethical hacking and cracking so whats the is Ethical hacking and cracking ? Let's figure it out.

What Is Ethical Hacking And Cracking ?

According to many people hacking is unauthorized and illegal, but it is only one side of coin, Many organizations hire hacker to hack/test their system security to find holes and weaknesses so it could be fixed before getting into wrong hands, This type of hacking which is performed on permission of the the owner to test their security level is called Ethical Hacking and the one who does this is known as Ethical Hacker.
While the hack which is performed with bad-intentions to steal data and information of anyone is called Cracking and the person who do this is known as Cracker or black hats.

Difference Between Ethical Hackers And Crackers...?

Ethical Hackers

        Hackers Are hired by a company or an individual on a contract to test their systems security by performing methods of hacking to make it secure and safe from crackers and these hackers are also known as ethical hacker.


        Crackers they are malicious group or single person who breaks into anyone systems without his/her permission and steals the precious document. although he perform same process hacking.

The whole hacker community is disrespected because of the cracker's work and that's why hacking is referred as Wicked, Although Ethical Hacker and Crackers use the same techniques called hacking but their motives and intentions are different Ethical Hacker do hacking for making the systems more secure on the other hand Cracker do hacking for stealing documents,data and password from systems and end up landing behind the bars.
Learn Free Ethical Hacking

Learn Free Ethical Hacking

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